Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lynchburg Fly Fishing Club Working With Veterans

CHECK THIS OUT--I just read a post from Jack Hise, one of the members of the Lynchburg, TN Fly Fishing Club, on the forum of

You can find the exact thread here.

Wishing them all the best and they have our support, hope they gain yours too. Here is the quote from Jack's post:

On September 15th the Lynchburg Fly Fishing Club will begin a 4 week program in conjunction with the Murfreesboro VA Hospital.

8 fly tying kits have been received from PHW as well as 8 TFO 9' 5 wt. 4 pc. rods all rigged with reels, backing and line. Also the club has raised close to $100.00 for tying supplies.

Our contact at the VA is trying for a starting group of 10 out patient veterans.

We have a member that teaches fly tying and a member that is a certified
casting instructor.

We are going into this somewhat blind and have no idea of what do or expect! It is agreed that this is to be a pilot program leading to a long term program.

Wish us luck! We may be back asking for more help!
Sharp Hooks and Tight Lines,


Thursday, August 6, 2009


A couple of my blogger peers and artists have a new project they are working on. They certainly fall under the Friends category of Nabours And Friends.

I think it's a cool deal and want you to see it for yourself. Here's the link to FISHYKID.ORG

Cameron, that blogs at The Fiberglass Manifesto, is one of the founders and he let me know about it.

I want you to know about it. Get involved, get yer kids involved. Have fun.